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Maximizing Boiler Reliability - Gradiant

Maximizing Boiler Reliability

Industrial Manufacturing Icon

CURE Chemicals in Industrial Manufacturing


Maintaining competitiveness in the pulp & paper industry requires operational excellence in manufacturing, starting with consistent steam quality and pressure. Gradiant helped our client resolve systemic operational issues and consistently achieve their desired performance metrics by adopting a comprehensive water treatment strategy.

Fast Facts

Location: Africa


Application:  Boiler Systems


Solution: Boiler System Treatment


Industry: Pulp & Paper


Feedwater Source:  Demineralized Water


CURE Chemical:  Boiler Water Program

The Challenge

A large pulp & paper mill faced significant operational challenges throughout the manufacturing process stemming from their aging boiler water system, consisting of three high-pressure water tube boilers. The demineralized (DM) water treatment system leaked hardness and excess sodium into the feedwater scheme. Consequently, the system was prone to mineral scaling and caustic gouging, leading to suboptimal performance or, in worst-case scenarios, tube failures and other safety risks. Compounding the performance shortfall was iron deposits arising from the condensate return system in the aging boilers. There were substantial issues to remedy — enter Gradiant.

The Solution

Gradiant conducted a comprehensive system audit of the water and steam systems to gain a complete perspective on the status of boiler operations. One of the key recommendations from the audit was to establish a new set of operating best practices for the DM system to ensure it performed at specification. The team developed a customized program with a comprehensive blend of CURE Chemicals, including oxygen scavengers, internal treatment, and condensate treatment formulae.

The Benefits

Immediately upon implementation, the plant mitigated the high thermal loading of the boilers due to mineral scaling, and reduced iron deposits and corrosion in the dryer drums and condensate system. Sample monitoring quantified that iron levels decreased 10X from over 400 ppb to less than 40 ppb, improving performance, steam quality, and equipment longevity. The Gradiant team is working with the client to maintain the treatment program during continuous operation of the boilers and the program is delivering impressive results — the system has experienced zero tube failures in over three years. Furthermore, at each planned downtime event and boiler inspection, there has been no evidence of deposition, confirming the well-passivated water-side condition of the boilers.

Impact Stats


reduction in iron levels


of operational stability


unplanned downtime by eliminating tube failures

UP TO 5%

reduction in fuel costs


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This document is for general information only. No warranty or guarantee whatsoever is given or implied and Gradiant is not bound by or liable for or by the information contained herein. Customer has the sole responsibility to determine whether the information in this document are appropriate for Customer’s use, including without limitation actual site, geographical, and plant conditions, specifications, requirements, disposal, applicable laws and regulations. This document is the intellectual property of Gradiant, including but not limited to any patent or trademark contained in this document. Distribution of this document is not and does not imply any transfer of Gradiant’s intellectual property.



Gradiant, the Gradiant Logo, and all trade and service marks denoted with ™ or ® are owned by affiliates of Gradiant Corporation unless otherwise noted. © 2023 Gradiant.

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